Boats in Kerguelen

Oceanographic vessel "La Curieuse" (25 m height) on the Morbihan gulf,
the footbridge, near l'Ile Longue

La Curieuse on the south of Kerguelen islands
(icebergs are rare) (Ph. Lesbros)

 Oceanographic vessel "Marion Dufresne" (120m height),
on the Morbihan gulf and from copter

The "former" Marion Dufresne (last trip in 1995) in the roaring 40th

The barge (Morbihan gulf only) l'Aventure à Port-aux-Français
(second plan, the old barge "l'Oiseau") (left) ;
The barge l'Aventure on desk (right)

The fishing boats :
L'Austral (right) ;
Le Kerguelen-de-Trémarec (left)

The boats of the french navy : frigate Floréal (left) ;
austral patrol boat l'Albatros (right)

The sailing boats :
l'Ecureuil Poitou-Charentes of Isabelle Autissier
in a forced stopover (Boc Challenge 1994) (left) ;
le Saturnin, sailing boat of Christophe Houdaille,
in Kerguelen in 1995 (cf. page bibliographie) (right)